
About Us

12 Years Experience
5 Projects Delivered
10,000+ Happy Customers
2 Ongoing Projects


A stable, progressive delivery oriented builder. RS Group is a trusted name in the real estate market of the Tricity region.
Having delivered so many Homes and Plots in the last 12+ years, RS Group is a reliable and credible developer leading the charge of the real estate industry in the region through a deep understanding of buyer’s demand and a market’s sentiment via innovation and research.
With RS Group, the buyer is able to avail to the chance to build their dream home at desirable locations amidst unique features and practical amenities - living life to its complete potential.

Our Strengths are :

Strong Execution Team & Backup Team at Head Office

Strong Financials

Strong backup (Labour) at site.

Strong System Processes

Best Architect

Our Goals are :

To provide a customer focused service that delivers high quality construction projects in a safe, professional and timely manner.

To develop long term partnerships with Customers, Suppliers and contractors.

To grow our business.


  • MR. GURMUKH GIR ,is educated person with great experience in real estate company. Under his able guidance and Having more than 12+ years of experiences, company has increased it’s turnover to many folds in the construction of commercial & residential (more than 5 projects) business .
  • He is having excellent knowledge of administration and finance. He is responsible for the growth of the company.
  • At every step, his focus was on identifying the needs of the customers and delivering quality products and reliable after sale service. Commitment is the corner stone of our policy.
  • Today, RS Group has become a household income. It keeps growing after delivering new homes to thousands of families. However, there are still a large population that dreams of a home that is equipped with all modern amenities and facilities. We strive to give all those people a home and a chance at quality living. It is our belief that no good effort goes to waste and it can be clearly seen among our happy customers.
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Our Partner

Mr. Sandeep Singh
Mr. Kewal Krishan